Nine Parenting Podcasts to Inform, Amuse, and Inspire You
“Raising a child takes a village” is a common saying because it’s an undeniable truth. Being a mom is a lot of work! You face a seemingly never-ending stream of questions each day—like, “do all kids do that,” “am I the only mom who feels this way,” and “oh no, WHERE did you get that permanent marker?”
While you can never have too many people in your corner who you can turn to and ask for advice, it also helps that we have the power of the internet, with thousands of experts and new mom friends here to help us the moment we press play.
Whether you are looking for something new to entertain you on your commute or looking for self-help advice from actual fellow parents, we rounded up nine of our favorite parenting podcasts to inform, amuse, and inspire you below.
The Boob Group
Breastfeeding can be an isolating experience—literally. Sitting alone in a room at 3 a.m. trying to get your newborn to latch can bring up a lot of emotions, which is why this podcast by a board-certified lactation consultant brings in a group of experienced mom to discuss “their success, their struggles, and society’s impact on how they feed their babies.” Queue up the episode "Back to Work: Your Pumping Rights" on your next pump break or learn about "Using Your Breastfeeding Intuition."
Listen to The Boob Group on Apple Podcasts
Zen Parenting Radio
As married self-help gurus and the parents of three daughters, Todd Adams and Cathy Cassani Adams practice what they preach each week when it comes to staying self aware as you raise your children. They bicker, they banter, and they share lessons about how to parent mindfully, practice self-compassion, and pass those lessons of self care down to your young ones. Start with their episode on “Feelings About Feelings.”
Listen to Zen Parenting Radio on Apple Podcasts
Pregnancy Confidential
Got a question you don’t know who to ask? The experts at this podcast from Parents and Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazines have the answers to your most specific and quirky questions on pregnancy and new motherhood. The episodes cover pregnancy from week nine to week 40 (“To Induce or Not to Induce?”) and are only 10 to 20 minutes each, which makes them perfect for quick car rides or walks around the block.
Listen to Pregnancy Confidential on Apple Podcasts
Motherhood Sessions
Alexandra Sacks, M.D., a renowned reproductive psychiatrist, sits down with mothers who are struggling with a problem or question—from coparenting to setting boundaries—and helps them work through the issue, giving her listeners a free therapy session along the way. As Sacks puts it, “being a mom is hard—everybody knows that. But usually we only hear about sleepless nights and diaper changes, not the profound identity shift that accompanies becoming a mother.”
Listen to Motherhood Sessions on Spotify
The Longest Shortest Time
This podcast from “This American Life” contributor Hillary Frank will make you cry, laugh, and cry from laughing with its stories on the “surprises and absurdities of raising other humans—and being raised by them.” Celebrity guests range from Busy Philipps to the mother of modern midwifery Ina May, but you’ll stick around for honest, heartfelt journeys told by parents from all walks of life.
Listen to The Longest Shortest Time on its website here
The Modern Dads Podcast
Too often, dads are left out of conversations on parenting advice, but the Modern Dads Podcast helps fill that gap and keep the world informed on the “ever-evolving definition of a ‘good father.’” It was born from a local fathers meetup, called City Dads Group, by organizer and host Matt Schneider, who saw the need for a place to share the stories of dads “who are active and engaged in the decisions, the drudgery, and the pains and the joys of parenthood.”
Schneider interviews authors and experts with a focus on fatherhood, including talking to Dr. Michael Reichert about his new book, How to Raise a Boy: The Power of Connection to Build Good Men.
Listen to The Modern Dads Podcast on Apple Podcasts
One Bad Mother
We all face a moment in life where we find ourselves asking, “Am I a bad mother,” as our child flings a chicken nugget across the counter, but comedians Biz Ellis and Theresa Thorn turn every moment of chaos into an opportunity to belly laugh. They cover the “thrills and embarrassments of motherhood and strive for less judging, and more laughing” in their weekly podcast, and their episode on “They Can Smell Our Weaknesses” will make you holler.
Listen to One Bad Mother on Apple Podcasts
Mom Brain
Celebrity blogger Hilaria Baldwin, Alec Baldwin’s wife and mother of his five youngest kids, and Daphne Oz, co-host of The Chew and daughter of *the* Dr. Oz, keep their podcast hilariously honest. “We get it. Being a mom is full-on and full-time. Equal parts FUN and WTF. Our kids don’t come with instructions, and it’s ok if we don’t have all the answers.” Recent guests include Jennifer Garner (do we really even need to tell you more?) and TODAY Show's Sheinelle Jones, and you’ll feel like you’re listening to a group of best friends while learning about informative parenting topics, such as the future of IVF and what it’s like to be on a mom on the front line.
Listen to Mom Brain on Art19
Mom Enough
It takes a special type of bond (and we say with all the love in the world, strength!) to record a podcast with your mother, but that’s just what co-hosts Marti and Erin Erickson do every week—and for our true benefit. Erin is a women’s health nurse practitioner and specialist in maternal-child health and Dr. Marti Erickson is a developmental psychologist, so their podcast uses both research-based information and personal confessions to discuss “what it means to be ‘mom enough.’”
Listen to Mom Enough on Apple Podcasts
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