Top 6 Tips for Tot-Friendly Fourth of July Festivities
The days are getting longer, nights shorter and weather hotter so you know the Fourth of July is right around the corner. After what felt like a endless year of uncertainty, summer is finally here and it looks like we just might be able to once again get back to the way things were.
But, with your new baby or toddler, you might be worried—and rightfully so—about events known for big, loud bangs and open flames.
So, we decided to compile a list of some cool Independence Day ideas that are geared toward the little ones.
The grill is hot, the drinks are cold and the pool is open so let’s dive right in!
- A Festive Beach-side Getaway
When you’re starting to sweat, it’s time to get wet with a trip to the beach! Bring some beach chairs, an umbrella, sunscreen and snacks and you’ll be all set to go.
While you’re there, you can play some Fourth of July style games and, if the beach allows it, get your grilling in too!
Perfect for the beach is a stylish sun-hat for baby! And don’t forget your towel!
- Take [Them] Out to the Ballgame
Another one of the big benefits of the reopening is seeing live sports again. So, why not take the whole family out to a baseball game? (It’ll certainly make Dad happy.)
A number of teams are hosting Fourth of July games and many of them will feature night-time fireworks and other Fourth of July-themed goodies—it’s a win-win (unless your team loses, of course).
- An Intimate Cook Out with Friends and Family
Can you picture it? Hamburgers sizzling on the grill, potato chips crunching, an all-beef frank drizzled with ketchup and mustard. Now that many of us are clear to see our friends and family again, why not invite some folks over for a Fourth of July cookout? You can feel free to let your baby get as messy as they want! As long as they’re wearing this festive bib, you’ll be all good
After, consider hosting an outdoor movie night. Either put some of the televised fireworks on or watch a family-friend film of your own!
- Attend a Fourth of July Parade
With more and more states and cities opening up, Fourth of July parades will once again resume. The floats, the bands, beads and candy, the local Shriners driving those tiny cars around—it’s a fun experience for the whole family. Just make sure to find a slice of shade and have plenty of water!
The nice part about all of these previous events is that they usually occur during the day so you’re all set to watch some fireworks go off later that night.
- Watch the Fireworks
Of course, no Fourth of July is complete without fireworks. While lighting some sparklers at home with Dad is always a fun time, nothing beats a grand display bursting above the stars. Since there were precious little fireworks last year, just think of the look in your little one’s eyes as they see their first fireworks display.
Most local parks are once again shelling the night sky and, with these city or county events, the noise level tends to be lower too since the fireworks go much higher than those consumers can buy. Still, we highly recommend sitting further back and protecting their hearing with noise-suppressing headphones.
Also, Macy’s will even be televising a live event boasting “65,000 shells from five barges” live on television. So, if you’re still hesitant about braving the crowds, you can huddle around the TV like the old days!
- Keep it Simple (and Cozy)
While there is plenty to do outside and with other people this Fourth of July, you can always keep it simple and spend a cozy night in with Dad and your little ones. Sometimes the best holidays are ones spent with just the family.
Consider some fun, festive recipes, doing some arts and crafts or taking in an appropriately-themed movie. When the time comes, you can always head out into the back yard or up to the roof to see some of the fireworks going off elsewhere.
All the while, you can keep baby comfy in a stylish footie or PJ from our Independence Day Inspired collections.
Truly though, no matter what you do or where you go, you’ll be with your family and, in the end, that’s all that really matters.
From all of us at Kissy Kissy, have a happy, fun, and safe Fourth of July!
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